Thursday, 15 October 2009

Arabic Proverbs (Advice)

Arabic Proverbs (Advice)
  • اترك الشر يتركك
    • Literal meaning: Leave evil, it will leave you.

  • اتق الأحمق أن تصحبه إنما الأحمق كالثوب الخلق كلما رقعت منه جانبا صفقته الريح وهنا فانخرق
    • Literal meaning: Be aware of the idiot, for he is like an old dress. Every time you patch it, the wind will tear it back again.

  • اتق شر الحليم إذا غضب
    • Literal: Beware of the level-headed when he is angry.

  • اجتنب مصاحبة الكذاب فإن اضطررت إليه فلا تُصَدِّقْهُ
    • Literal: Avoid the company of a liar. And if you can't avoid him, don't believe him.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

How to add a simple Google Maps

During working on EGL Web 2.0 I had a need to add a Google map on a RUI page. Well, I found a very simple & an interesting way to add a Google map onto your web page without any understanding of Google Map API or don't even have to sign up for an API key.

Google helps you by providing a Wizard through which it generates a chuck of code to use in a page.

Through Wizard, there are three steps to add a Google Map onto a page.
  1. Go to the Wizard page and follow the three simple steps.
  2. Copy and paste the generated code into your own web page.

    Cut the code into two pieces. The bit that looks something like this can be placed anywhere on your page.

    <div id="mapsearch">
    <span style="margin:10px;padding:4px;">Loading...</span>

    The rest of the code should be placed just before the at the bottom of your page.

  3. Double-click your page to test it, then upload it to your website.
The page will be look like this

There is another more simpler way than this one is to go to site and search/locate you desired location, when the map comes up then go to the Link anchor ( Link) on the right side of the map, click on it & copy the "Paste HTML to embed in website" to use in a web page or copy the "Paste link in email or IM" to share map via email or IM.

The map would look like the below one.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Enterprise Generation Language

EGL (Enterprise Generation Language) is a high level, modern business oriented programming language, designed by IBM to be platform independent. EGL is similar in syntax to other common languages so it can be learned by application developers with similar previous programming background. EGL application development abstractions shield programmers from the technical interfaces of systems and middleware allowing them to focus on building business functionality. EGL applications and services are written, tested and debugged at the EGL source level, and once they are satisfactorily functionally tested they can be compiled into COBOL, Java, or JavaScript code to support deployment of business applications that can run in any of the following environments:
  • Microsoft Windows, Linux, UNIX running JVM, for example in the context of a Java EE servlet container (IBM WebSphere Application Server, Apache Tomcat, GlassFish)
  • IBM System z: CICS Transaction Server, IMS, z/OS Batch, UNIX System Services, WebSphere Application Server, z/VSE, Linux
  • IBM System i: IBM i5/OS, IBM WebSphere Application Server
  • Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari browsers for Ajax rich web applications.
Web 2.0 & SOA are built-in in EGL, it simplifies development by hiding the complexities of Ajax, JavaScript, Rest, and SOAP from the developer.

EGL programming tools are available as an Eclipse
EGL community site is very useful site to learn, discuss, ask, answer & share info & issues.

Monday, 10 August 2009

Book Review - JSF Complete Reference

Recently I read a book on JSF named "JSF Complete Reference " written by Chris Schalk & Ed Burn.

The book presents in depth knowledge about JSF. It starts from how JSF works & why it was developed and went through to more advance level of custom component development. I would personally suggest all JSF newbies to grab this book ASAP.

Friday, 17 April 2009

Java /J2EE Free Source site

I have seen a lot of good stuff on the below site.

It has categorized Open Source Java based frameworks and ready to use components like PDF libraries, Mail clients, XML GUI toolkits, blogs, network servers etc. What I like about this website is its ease of use, nice clean design and good categorization.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Sistechean Alumni

Now a days I ma trying to build up website dedicated to Sistechean only. Where all those friends who remained(or are)the part of Sistech will be brought together.

I have got a free web-hosting domain named . It offers 110 MB of data storage capacity with PHP5, Apache free of cost. But for MySQL or other advance features you have to pay for it! That's a way to catch a cow.

Well, Sistechean Alumni , Lets have a start !